We look at deals that don't necessarily have to be the most attractive- negative profit, little growth, and legacy solutions are acceptable at the right price.
We're confident in our ability to bring value to any B2B application software company.
Pre-acquisition, we do a deep dive into the operations and market industry of our target company. We identify the company’s strengths, weaknesses, gaps, and processes and capture the information in a cohesive and action-oriented plan. Thus we are well-positioned post-acquisition to execute an optimization plan to fill operational gaps and invest in areas of strength.
In addition to optimizing operations, we supplement existing departments by offering resources and guidance in the following areas:
Increased infrastructure and bandwidth allow our subsidiaries to grow stronger while reducing overhead.
Besides implementing optimization plans, we do not take over day-to-day management of businesses.
Instead, our goal with all acquired companies is to work with the management team and employees to build and continuously develop a contemporary business plan.